Justin Ting Research


I did my undergraduate research in Georgia Tech’s Integrated Circuits Systems Research Lab, with Dr. Arijit Raychowdhury as my advisor. For the last couple of years, we got funding with the Center for Brain-Inspired Computing from Semiconductor Research Corporation. Although I graduated from Georgia Tech and am still waiting for graduate school application results, I figured I could still do research as long as I can contact the lab members. Here is what I’m currently working on:

Collage of scribbles in my research notebook.

Universal Actuation

While our nervous system consists of spiking electrical signals, robots require many different types of signals to actuate. Is there a way to have one system learn all the signals needed to actuate any robot? To learn more, click on the link below:

Top: A PWM signal. Middle: The PWM signal transformed by taking the dot product between the Fourier components and a decreasing exponential function. Bottom: Same as the middle but instead of a decreasing exponential it’s an increasing exponential.

Dynamic Vision Algorithms

Dynamic Vision Sensors are a recent development in computer vision with many benefits over optical cameras (higher dynamic range, higher resolution, sparser data, power efficiency, etc.). If you look at my publications page or my Youtube channel, you’ll find that I did a presentation on Dynamic Vision for legged robots. However, there is still plenty more to do with this technology. I am currently experimenting with two approaches. First, can I design a digital circuit that can detect motion and use feedback to follow moving objects? Second, can I solve that same problem, but with a continuous flow model and with more analog/neuromorphic components? Results pending.

ANDpool filter demonstration
Live Demonstration
A DVS camera on a stand. It looks peaceful.